Final Project
For my final project I would like to create a sculpture withe arms where each one follows a person each in the room. My goal is to creat a modular system so I can expand on it once the core mechanism is in place.
At the moment I imagine the sculpturearms to be carrying linnear polarised filters at 90, 0 and 45 degrees. If each arm follows 1 person then the overlaps will make the core of the sculpture more or less visible depending on the positioning and overlaps of the filters. This might change as it develops.
Interaction example of the sculpture arms from above.
I imagine that the project will depend on a wide angle piCamera, a RaspberryPi communicating wirelessly with an ESP32 which will control stepper motors within the sculpture.
The idea is to use blobtracking from OpenCV to track the position of the people surrounding the sculpture in a polar co-ordinate system and tranlate that into the new position of the arms.
I think this will be a challenging project for me since I do not have a lot of experience coding, and I will aim for a scale model, ambye in the form of a lamp.
Note for self: Can I use the input form the people intereacting with it to create a composition that run when there are no people around? Might be fun to look at how people behave together.